Computational Science Research

  • Exploiting Sparsity and Equation-Free Architectures in Complex Systems

    Complex systems exhibit dynamics that typically evolve on low-dimensional attractors and may have sparse representation in some optimal basis. Recently developed compressive sensing techniques exploit this sparsity for state reconstruction and/or categorical identification from limited measurements. We argue that data-driven dimensionality reduction methods integrate naturally with sparse sensing in the context of complex systems. This…

  • Fractional diffusion-reaction stochastic simulations

    A novel method is presented for the simulation of a discrete state space, continuous time Markov process subject to fractional diffusion. The method is based on Lie-Trotter operator splitting of the diffusion and reaction terms in the master equation. The diffusion term follows a multinomial distribution governed by a kernel that is the discretized solution…

  • The scaling of contact rates with population density for the infectious disease models

    Contact rates and patterns among individuals in a geographic area drive transmission of directly-transmitted pathogens, making it essential to understand and estimate contacts for simulation of disease dynamics. Under the uniform mixing assumption, one of two mechanisms is typically used to describe the relation between contact rate and population density: density-dependent or frequency-dependent. Based on…

  • Optimal Sensor Placement and Enhanced Sparsity for Classification

    The goal of compressive sensing is efficient reconstruction of data from few measurements, sometimes leading to a categorical decision. If only classification is required, reconstruction can be circumvented and the measurements needed are orders-of-magnitude sparser still. We define enhanced sparsity as the reduction in number of measurements required for classification over reconstruction. In this work,…

  • Influence of high-order nonlinear fluctuations in the multivariate susceptible-infectious-recovered master equation

    We perform a high-order analytical expansion of the epidemiological susceptible-infectious-recovered multivariate master equation and include terms up to and beyond single-particle fluctuations. It is shown that higher order approximations yield qualitatively different results than low-order approximations, which is incident to the influence of additional nonlinear fluctuations. The fluctuations can be related to a meaningful physical…